America, the oops! society?

According to Guttmacher’s “Incidence and Outcomes of Unintended Pregnancy,” “half of all pregnancies in the United States each year are unintended.”


Further: “In any given year, the two-thirds of women in the United States at risk of unintended pregnancy who use contraceptives consistently throughout the year account for only 5% of all unintended pregnancies; fully 95% of unintended pregnancies are attributable to the one-third of women who do not use contraceptives or who use them inconsistently.”

How primitive. Is this the best America can do?

As seen in headlines for well over a generation now, this secular society is perfectly willing to discuss and dramatize in exhaustive detail the options after an unwanted pregnancy exists. Why are we then so reluctant to fill those same headlines with the term CONTRACEPTION?

What do you think? Where do you stand?

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